
About Me


My name is Dolapo

I’m an experienced design and digital professional with a track record of success in the healthcare, graphic design, sports media and retail industries.

Skilled in Branding, Graphic Design, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Sales, WordPress, HTML5, Adobe CC, Video and Photography with a Masters degree in Graphic Communications Management and Technology from New York University.

I am currently seeking new and exciting opportunities!

Please contact me with any inquiries.
Below is my resume.




Master of Arts in Graphic Communications Management and Technology

City College, CUNY, NY

Bachelor of Arts in Electronic Design and Multimedia
Cum Laude
Golden Key National Honor Award



Dolushki, NJ

Digital Marketing and Graphic Design Consultant

Prime Surgicare, NJ

Graphics and Digital Marketing Manager

ESPN, Inc., The Walt Disney Company, CT

Graphics Systems Controller

Pottery Barn, Williams-Sonoma, Inc., NY

Sales Coordinating Manager



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